Investor information

We are among the largest and most successful providers of high quality affordable homes in the Midlands, with an annual turnover of more than £135m.

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Get in touch

We are looking for partners to help us deliver our 2030 plan. As well as focusing on value for money, we want partners that will help us drive long term positive impacts for our business and communities. For all investment and treasury enquiries please contact Sangita Surridge, Corporate Director of Finance at

Who are we?

whg was formed in 2003 following Large Scale Voluntary Transfer from Walsall Council. Since then we have invested more than £1 billion in Walsall and expanded our operating area. We now own and manage around 22,000 homes in 21 local authorities across the Midlands.

Our increasingly diverse portfolio includes homes for social, affordable, market rent and shared ownership. We are a strategic partner of Homes England, with ambitious plans to build 550 new homes across the region each year. In 2022/23 we invested £50.5m in our existing homes and developed 255 new properties.

Over £1bn
invested in Walsall since 2003
homes owned and managed across the Midlands
invested in existing homes in 2022/23

Finances at a glance

2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
Turnover £120.5m £121.1m £135.8m
Operating surplus £40.5m £39.2m £41.8m
Operating margin 33.6% 32.4% 30.8%
Total housing stock 21832 21975 22400
Total net assets £219.3m £297.1m £260.3m

Why partner with us?

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A strong investment grade credit rating

We were upgraded to an A2 rating with a stable outlook by Moody’s in October 2023.

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Financially viable and well governed

We have been awarded the top gradings of G1/V1 by the Regulator for Social Housing.

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A solid operating performance

We publish our financial report every year, demonstrating the strength of our financial position.

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An ambitious vision

Our 2030 plan sets out how we will create sustainable and resilient communities through investment in people and places.

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Sustainability as a core principle of how we operate

We are proud to be a carbon literate organisation, working to guarantee that our communities flourish and endure.

Certified Sustainable Housing

We are among the first in the UK to be certified as a sustainable housing provider by global consultancy RITTERWALD.

The certification recognises our commitment to making a positive environmental and social impact.

Quarterly Trading Statements

whg credit rating information January 2024

Q3 Quarterly Performance 2023/24

Q2 Quarterly Performance 2023/24

Q1 Quarterly Performance 2023/24

whg credit rating information October 2023

Year End Performance 2023/24

whg Business Update July 2023

Q3 Quarterly Performance 2022/23

Q2 Quarterly Performance 2022/23

Q1 Quarterly Performance 2022/23

Q4 Quarterly Performance 2021/22

Q3 Quarterly Performance 2021/22

Q2 Quarterly Performance 2021/22

Q1 Quarterly Performance 2021/22

Q4 Quarterly Performance 2020/21

Q3 Quarterly Performance 2020/21

Q2 Quarterly Performance 2020/21

Q1 Quarterly Performance 2020/21

Q4 Quarterly Performance 2019/20

Q3 Quarterly Performance 2019/20

Q2 Quarterly Performance 2019/20

Q1 Quarterly Performance 2019/20

Year End Performance 2022/23

Group Financial Statements

Group Financial Statements 2022-23

Group Financial Statements 2021-22

Group Financial Statements 2020-21

Group Financial Statements 2019-20

Group Financial Statements 2018-19

Corporate news

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Corporate news
whg reaccredited for sustainability work
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Persimmon Homes West Midlands announces partnership with whg
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