Natalia Hill

Board Member

Natalia was appointed to the whg Board in November 2020. She is Chair of whg’s Customer Service Oversight Committee and the Customer and Complaints Champion.

After working in business management, Natalia embarked upon a career change to bring together her passions for people development, business and law. She has worked at the University of Wolverhampton since 2015 where she is currently a Principal Lecturer and Head of Access and Widening Participation in the School of Nursing. Her previous roles included Faculty Registrar and Head of Corporate Governance.

She is responsible for overseeing the management of recruitment of students across the School of Nursing. Alongside this she drives all access and widening participation projects, including Level 3 provision, to ensure opportunities are available to all. Natalia is also Chair of the Women’s Staff Network and leads on a number of Equality and Diversity initiatives.

Natalia has extensive experience working in a regulated environment and understands the complexities of adhering to multiple requirements and different types of legislation. A Governor at a local Hospital Trust, she is working towards achieving a PhD in Social Work and Social Care focussing on the transferable skills of single mothers.